Which David Tennant Character Are You?


By: Zoe Samuel

6 Min Quiz

Image: BBC

About This Quiz

David Tennant popped onto the radar of most of his fans when he appeared as the tenth Doctor on "Doctor Who," but his career doesn't begin there. The actor got his start in the theater, a medium to which he frequently returns, playing leading roles in Shakespeare plays for major companies and venues across the UK. Tennant's immersion in the world of show business created ties that run deep: he is married to Georgia Moffett, the actress who played the sort-of-clone of the Doctor in "The Doctor's Daughter," who is herself the daughter of actor Peter Davison, another actor who once played the Doctor.

David Tennant somehow makes every character he plays likable and relatable, even when they're one of the baddies. His instant rapport with audiences makes his appearances memorable, and the characters he has played become instant favourites in their respective franchises.

While he has found tremendous success on the stage and in television, David Tennant hasn't had a breakthrough role in a feature film. This may be a product of his "type" of actor; Tennant isn't bland enough to play generic heroes or villains, or perhaps the kinds of stories made into films just aren't geared toward his audience or his awesome arsenal of acting skills. Still, we can all see ourselves as one of his roles. Which one do you think you are?

What would you do if you could go back in time and warn a loved one of a danger they will face?


What sort of insider knowledge do you have?


What makes you unique?


Do you see yourself as a protagonist or a villain?


Would you risk the wrath of God to do what you feel in your heart is the right thing?


What did you think of Kilgrave from "Jessica Jones"?


What item would you always bring to a party?


For what do others judge you?


What is your relationship status?


Who had the biggest impact on your formative years?


What frightens you the most?


How do you retaliate against aggressors?


What is the object of your greatest desire?


How would you comfort someone who had just suffered a terrible tragedy?


How would you describe your best friend?


What complicates your relationship with your greatest antagonist?


There is something inside you that worries you. What is it?


How comfortable are you on your own?


You've met someone who is clearly your equal. What is your response?


How would you describe your sense of style?


What sort of person bothers you the most?


Which of these would you pick as a catch-phrase?


Which of the following authors appeals to your sense of the universe?


If you could go anywhere, anywhere at all, where would you want to go?


Which obscure David Tennant role do you like the most?


What do you want more than anything in the world?


Do you feel as though you are out of your time?


Can you imagine leaving your current life behind and settling down?


Your struggle may be new or old. How long have you been pursuing your stated goals?


Which storytelling medium appeals to you the most?


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