What Element Defines Your Witch Style?


By: Ian Fortey

5 Min Quiz

Image: stock_colors / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The history of witchcraft and witches is both fascinating and sad when you get into it. On the one hand, we have this idea of witches as people wielding awesome and frightening powers. Maybe they wave magic wands and cast spells. Maybe they use herbs and chant incantations to summon spirits or cast mysterious charms. In some cases, they're barely even human and in others, they may be seductive and dangerous. But these are all stories, and they're the fiction that we are entertained by. The real history of witches is grimmer than any fairy tale. While many people were accused of witchcraft over the years, the truth is it's likely that most of these women were just healers, women who had knowledge of medicine and herbs and techniques that could help heal the sick. And they were persecuted for that knowledge and made into monsters in the eyes of those who didn't understand. It's a sad legacy, but thankfully that history didn't end there.

Today, witchcraft and Wiccan beliefs live on. We're more understanding now, relatively speaking, to what it means to be a witch. And because of that some of us can even carve out a niche with our own sense of witch style to go along with it. But what element best represents your witch style? No need to cast any spells, just take the quiz and see!

Magic is often broken up as either white or black. Which end of the spectrum are you on?


Witches were often just wise women. Are you wise enough to teach what you know to others?


Are you more of a kind witch or an angry witch?


Do you use your powers to help others or to help yourself?


Any good witch needs a familiar, right? What animal speaks to you?


Do you believe in the Three-Fold Law?


Do you spend much time meditating?


Can you read tarot cards?


If you have a headache are you more likely to take a pill or something herbal to treat it?


Where do you draw your strength from?


Do you like to cook for large groups or just for yourself?


Where do you go when you seek guidance in life?


Which emotion is the most powerful when directed toward a task?


Do you live an all-natural life?


If someone is antagonizing you, how would you deal with them?


Are you at all concerned with how other people see you?


Does your intuition ever steer you wrong?


Have you ever attended a seance?


What's your opinion on Ouija boards?


At what time of day do you do your best work?


The moon isn't just the moon, right? Which moon is the most powerful for you?


What's a valid reason for casting a spell?


Do you hold grudges against the people who have wronged you in life?


Some witches work in covens. Are you better in a group or alone?


Do you live a vegan lifestyle?


Do you believe if you put something out in the world it will come back to you?


If you had the ability to harm another person with a spell, would you ever do it?


Do you believe there are creatures in the world mankind has yet to discover?


Is magic real?


Are you living the life you want to lead right now?


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